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The 4 most recent Wave PLM’s design improvements

Maria Kudriashova PLM February 2, 2022
plm design

User-friendly interface is essential for every software. We are constantly improving the interface design of Wave PLM to make the experience of our users simple and efficient. We analyze users’ needs, build logical schemes of the interface, and test prototypes on the target audience. Our team also work on the…

Unleash the Power of 3D Design & Fashion PLM

Anna Vlasova Fashion / PLM June 27, 2021
plm fashion industry

The global pandemic has impacted businesses around the world and the fashion industry is no different. It has also changed drastically due to COVID-19. According to a survey conducted by the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), fashion companies had to cancel and postpone numerous orders recently. In fact, the number of orders…